Mars V/S Venus Updated!

Here's the Update of Mars V/S Venus!

Finally a double chapter update! I truly hope that you shall love this part as much as you all have loved the others!

With lots of love,

You know who.


Sakshi stared at her reflection against the glass walls and sighed. The ambitious overjoyed girl had been replaced by a tensed one. She traced her fingertips over her eyes and mouth.

She seemed to have aged suddenly.

“Distracted?” his voice sent chills up her spine. She turned to find her ‘boyfriend’ leaning against the wall to wall glass and raise an eyebrow at her no reply.

Little could she tell that she overheard his and his father’s conversation earlier and that made her come to two conclusions.

  • She shouldn’t expect loving in-laws.
  • Arjun truly feels for her; they were put into a misunderstanding.

“Arjun, why don’t you call of the wedding on the pretense of a break-up or something.” Arjun’s fork stilled as Pratap cleared his throat. “And pray why should I break up with her?” Arjun retorted.

“Dam and I had planned on a relationship from being friends to relatives - we had great hopes for you and Raina.” Pratap broke a piece of bread and chewed while Arjun raised an eyebrow and chuckled “Don’t you think Ayesha is a great scapegoat for this? You are getting her married with Sameer knowing very well that Ayesha isn’t comfortable with this.”

“Ayesha and Sameer are fine together.” Pratap said slowly “Fine, let them be happy. Under any circumstances I don’t want Raina’s name…”

“Beta you two are made for each other. I agree that Sakshi is very talented and wonderful but she is nothing but a middle class secretary…” Pratap was interrupted as Arjun wiped his mouth with a napkin and threw his chair. “Not a word against my fiancee. She’s not a Monica Lewinsky that  you tag Sakshi. I want her to be my wife and it shall be so. From being my life partner to the mother of my children. You should have told Raina to not  getf*** edup other men and ditch me. Moreover, one more word or things to get Raina close to me - Ashu and Sam’s marriage will be called off. You  know that Ashu loves me more than you.”

Arjun was interrupted by the mocking tone of his father “Only because she doesn’t know you’re her half brother. A product of an affair.” Arjun  dropped his cell and stared at his father.

“Ashu loves me more than you.” a hoarse whisper left Arjun’s lips, before his father could reply Arjun completed “Only because she doesn’t know that her father bedded a woman and promised her love to only marry another woman for money. Don’t dig graves papa.

“Don’t forget I let you live in this lifestyle.” “Don’t forget it was my grandfather who threatened you which made you adopt your own son.” Arjun growled.

Arjun stormed out of the dining hall while Sakshi clutched her beating heart. What had she just heard?  This Arjun could never be… never be what he portrays.

“Sakshi?” Arjun clicked his fingers in front of her eyes.

She tucked a lock behind her ear and exhaled a breath. “Sir, Etihad and British Airlines have placed an order for fifty airplanes, out of which forty are Airbus three eighty. They shall be further investing a billion dollars for the rumoured three ninety five model. I think we should have a check with our engineers on this.”

“That doesn’t exactly answer my question, to be Mrs. Singhania.” he smirked at her and pushed back an invisible strand of hair from her cheek. His smile faltered as she stiffened yet showed no resistance to his caress.

Wouldn’t have life been perfect if she never showed any resistance?

He took a few tentative steps towards her and chinned her up. Her eyes lacked the usual glimmer of happiness.

“All’s well?” he asked softly while Sakshi brushed his arm away gently “You made sure that nothing is well.” her icy words ripped off the last remaining bits of the tender Arjun.

Sakshi yelped as he painfully gripped her arms and pushed her against the glass wall “What’s wrong with you damn it? Why do you hate me so much? What have I done to you!”

Sakshi’s voice was clogged with a sudden fear at his beastly behaviour “I haven’t hurt your family neither have I touched you in any wrong manner. That night we both shared signals and vibes! So what was wrong if I wanted to make love with you before marriage? I always intended on being in a  long term relationship with you!”

Arjun cursed as the tears welled up in her eyes. “You know what, now I doubt myself on the fact that I even liked you. You are such a weakling - crying at every interval of time!” Arjun looked aside in disgust and waited for Sakshi’s response.

“I never pretended to be strong.”

Her hushed words made him fall in a dilemma. “Why do you resist me so much?” he asked as Sakshi cradled her head and moaned as another bout of headache hit her.

Arjun banged his hand next to her face and regretted the minute she whimpered in fright and huddled herself in a ball. Something was wrong with her…

An urge to soothe her for whatever it may be filled his heart. He encased her form in his arms and relaxed as her fragrance of wild flowers seeped in. However his happiness was short lived, especially when he sensed her resistances. He hugged her tighter as her mumbled pleas reached his ears.

For Sakshi, waves of nausea and claustrophobia hit her. Nothing seemed real, everything seemed to be a sickening dream. She felt as if she was enclasped in a strange man’s arms who wanted to ravish her then and there.

She felt slime cover her and traverse into her nether regions. “Leave me!” she yelled and pushed a shocked Arjun back. Surprise and apology taking its own time to settle in her mind as she realised the person in front was Arjun.

She opened her mouth to say something when, to her nightmare, Arjun clutched her jaws and shook her. “What is your problem Sakshi! I wanted to sort everything and hug you and… sometimes I feel you love to be forced. Is that the way you want this to be? You want me to be harsh and rough?”

Sakshi tried to blink through her tears and say something but her voice betrayed her. Arjun got it all wrong. Her fears and horrors screamed through her body and she tried to speak up. Tears found its path to be the only way of communication.

Arjun stared at her pale face, the inhumanely soft cheeks were gripped brutally in his hand while her lush lips pouted further. The tears seemed so… so strange. She never responded to him. Except for their visit in India.

It’s not that she felt disgusted of him, she did highlight her interest in him during their journey and she never minded the moments they were close. Yet now she acts like a feeble young lady.

She’s fooling him.

Shushing away other thoughts which asked him to probe into her state he pulled her closer “I still have the patience to talk to you. But since I am sure that you like to be such a tease - let me fulfil what you want.” he hushed her cries and cupped her face.

“No no no Arjun. Arjun let me explain. I am scared of this but I don’t know what to say. I am scared. Please Arjun soothe me. Don’t force me. Please Arjun. I do feel for you, but I truly think we have been in a mess. Please Arjun… ARJUN STOP!” her words were nothing but the tears shedding from her eyes.

She had lost the ability to speak as horrors of her past caught up.

Just before he sealed his mouth with her they heard “Bhai?” To Sakshi’s relief Ayesha walked in, her eyes shocked at the scenario while Sakshi ran away to the bathroom of his cabin and locked herself there.

Sakshi looked at herself in the mirror and tried to speak. Paralysed with fear she crumpled near the basin and shook.

“Sash?” Ayesha’s echoed voice from the door. Sensing no response Ayesha opened the bathroom with the help of a spare key from her brother’s desk.

Arjun had to leave for an important meeting leaving Sakshi and Ayesha alone.

“SAKSHI!” Ayesha almost screamed in disbelief, looking at her best friend shivering under the shower. Ayesha switched off the shower and towelled Sakshi who was drenched till her toes.

Sakshi’s hands shivered as she tried to express, her fingers touched her mouth and body as she symbolised her childhood. Ayesha frowned and patted Sakshi’s head who broke into a cry. “Kya hua? Oh God did he…”

She was interrupted as Sakshi shook her head and hiccupped. After a few prolonged minutes of calming herself, Sakshi found the will to speak and breathed.

An hour of emotional tirade followed as Ayesha cupped her mouth and slumped beside Sakshi. Her Sakshi was… molested?

Ayesha hugged Sakshi fiercely and coaxed her to calm down. No wonder she was scared of Arjun’s presence.

But then she could have vouched her brother would do nothing wrong at all. He couldn’t destroy Sakshi yet… Ayesha knew she was missing a part of the story.

Ayesha looked in shock as Sakshi passed out.

“Erm Ayesha?” Sameer’s voice in Arjun’s cabin shocked Ayesha.

Oh no.

Could she confide in him?


Sameer gently placed Sakshi on Arjun’s couch and took a deep breath. “So much for underestimating women.” Sameer sighed.

Ayesha couldn’t trust anyone but him and told him in bits and pieces of the panic attack Sakshi faced. Sameer was shocked to the core and promised discretion in this matter.

“I guess we should speak to Arjun about this too, he might misunderstand her. Oh, by the way - today I heard from your father that Sakshi would be shifting to your house as the two would get engaged tomorrow and wedded within a week.” Sameer shoved his hands in his pockets as Ayesha nodded.

“They’re getting engaged with us?” Ayesha asked as Sameer nodded.

After seeing Sakshi sleep, Ayesha rested her forehead on Sameer’s shoulder and sighed “Thank you.”

To say he didn’t feel the jolts of electricity to find her at a breathable distance would be a lie. He buckled up and managed a response “For what?” he asked. “You  know for what.” Ayesha’s eyes watered as she recalled Sakshi’s situation.

Sameer gently held Ayesha’s shoulders and gave her a light hug “She is very very strong Ayesha. My respect for Sakshi has increased - not in sympathy for what she has faced!” he broke the hug and looked at Ayesha’s tensed face “Many women’s spirits are broken after they are molested but over here Sakshi made sure nothing comes in way from working in one of the best companies. I am sorry Ayesha for having mistreated you during your teens. I was scared.” Sameer said as Ayesha frowned and stepped aside.

“Let bygones be bygones.” Ayesha stiffened while Sameer held her hand. Blinking away the rapidly forming tears Ayesha whispered “Do you love me?”

Sameer furrowed his eyebrows and blurted out “No…”

“I knew it anyways.” Ayesha smiled and battled away a tear. “Ayesha, we can make this work right?” he held her ring finger while Ayesha genuinely smiled “I will try my best Sam, if you find someone else do tell me.” her voice constrained while Sameer shook his head.

“No Ayesh…”

“Shush… let’s get Sakshi home. I guess that’s what is required. As far as Bhai was stating, we all are staying together; as in I’ll stay at your place and she at Bhai’s.” Ayesha slid her palm and Sameer sighed at the sudden loss.



“Yes Sikandar I shall personally look into the matter and get the changes done.” Arjun bit his tongue to keep his temper at check.

Of course with the board members questioning him for the faulty designs, Arjun needed to be at his best. He couldn’t and wouldn’t take an advantage of being a Singhania.

During the beginning of his years Arjun misused the title of Singhania to make his ‘father’ suffer. To only know that he became what his mother never wanted.

Amma, I wanna destroy him, I wanna destroy the Singhania name.” Arjun stared at his mother’s face who seemed to be dejected with his decision.

“Amma…” Arjun groaned but his mother gave no reply. Arjun walked aside and sat on the bench, thinking as to why his mother was upset. He sighed when her thoughts dawned in him, and then he realised why she was upset.

Singhania wasn’t just his father’s surname. It was also the surname of his ever kind grandfather - who forced his useless son to accept Arjun. How could Arjun ruin his name? From that day he started to help in the business.

But he began to expand and create a new venture when he met a certain Sakshi Anand, her every word served as a whiplash against him. He still remembered how she mocked at his inability to earn anything on his own.  Little did she know how much each word hurt.

Wait, Sakshi shouldn’t be a name of bother for him.

Except now she’s his fiancee. Arjun almost chuckled at the thought while an irritated Sikandar yelled from his chair “Are you insane Singhania?”

“Careful, that surname doesn’t just imply to me but also to my father and grandfather. And if you have stopped whining like a kid you would have realised that I haven’t exactly had a degree in engineering - I shall send them immediately; you see… MBA doesn’t help much in engineering! What do you say Rao sir?” The directors chuckled while Sikandar’s ears burnt.

“If you may excuse me…” Arjun was about to walk out when Sikandar interrupted him “Where are you going?”

“To send our Heads and since my father shall be presiding the rest of the meeting - along with my to be brother in law, I shall sneak out to meet my love.” Arjun winked while the hall roared with laughter.

Arjun signaled at Sameer to look after the meeting and was relieved when Sameer gave a faint nod.

How the hell could the designs be faulty? Arjun thought as he tapped his pen on his desk while a concerned Ayesha wrapped her arms around his neck “Bhai… don’t worry - humans do err.” Ayesha smiled and pressed her fingers on his sore muscles.

“Thanks baccha, but I don’t know why… we rarely have such gross errors and I do smell a rat.” Arjun hesitated and kissed his sister’s knuckles. “Chal woh chor, tu bata… are you happy with this marriage? If you want me to call it off…”

Na na Paju!” Ayesha ruffled his hair - a loving endearment for her brother, Paju, a mixture of Paa and Arjun. “I have a confession to make.” Ayesha took a deep breath while Arjun nodded and gestured her to sit on the table. “Paju,”

Makkhan mat laga aur bol!” Arjun ordered while Ayesha pouted. “Woh, I and Sameer kissed when I was seventeen-ish.”

Ayesha closed her eyes and waited for a slap or a shout. Instead she found her brother staring at her in shock “Did the matter go any further?”

“No.” Ayesha answered.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” “I don’t know.”

“Did he love you, or does he express so?” Arjun twiddled with his thumbs as Ayesha coloured a little and nodded.

She knew it was a sin to lie to her brother, but she couldn’t help it. Sikandar had been an asset as well as trouble for Arjun. He sunk in his chair and exhaled in relief “Don’t hide anything from me Ashu.”

“Never! It’s just that…” she smiled and kissed his forehead “Paju, I am not being pushed nor forced into this wedding - I can assure you that.” Arjun smiled when his main concern for her marriage was shushed by his loving sister.

“Suppose you get to know I was adopted or stuff… would you stop loving me?” “Shut up Bhai! Never! Now toodles! It’s eight and I am damn damn damn tired!” Ayesha sulked and squeezed her brother to death before skimping away.

Arjun thanked the lord for the blessing in the name of Ayesha. He opened the other files and continued his investigation on the design reports. Hours dwindled by and by the time Arjun was done, it was almost one at night. Loosening his tie, he found his ever faithful bodyguard - Chandrakant - awaiting for him.

“Sir, Sakshi…” Chandra started while Arjun paused, handing over his files and briefcase to Chandra. There lay Sakshi, still in the office.

He took a few steps towards her to only realise she was fast asleep. Her left hand held on to a pen, her heels were lying on the floor and her head lay relaxed over her desk. Arjun frowned as he noted a tear in her stockings. He cupped her heated cheeks and gently roused her from her sleeping form.

Sakshi parted and licked her dry lips. She blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes with her wrists, least bothered about her kohl smudging aside. “Arjun?” she cleared her throat as he nodded.

“It’s one, come… let’s go home.” Arjun said and Sakshi chewed her bottom lip and agreed. She picked up the files when he held her hand “Chandra shall carry.”

“How much shall he carry? Insaan hi toh hai!” Sakshi said and stuffed herself with her laptop and files. Arjun shook  his head as she kept the bundle down and tied her tangled hair into a messy bun. She slipped into her heels and walked beside him.

Strange, she walked next to him without any verbal sparta.


“Looking nice.” Arjun said softly while Sakshi briefly smiled. However worry lines reappeared on her forehead when they reached the car. She kept the files in the car and nervously played with her fingers and built some courage.  “Can you drop me home?” Sakshi asked and gasped as Arjun’s eyes darkened to midnight coal.

Especially when they reached her midriff. Sakshi coloured and tried to say something when his hands reached to her chest. “Ah!” Sakshi almost screamt to find him hold her jaw and pull her face lower “Stare at my hands, then react!” he snapped and to her shock he found his fingers holding the button of her shirt - and slipping it back into it’s hole.

He gently buttoned her up and shoved his hands in his pocket “Stop judging me Sakshi.”

“I never wanted to.” Sakshi said softly while Arjun pinned her to the car, not very gently. “Every time I come close to you I feel the fear in you, as if I am going to rape you.” Sakshi held her head and looked aside, hoping not anyone would find them in such a compromising situation.

“Look at me.” he snapped and Sakshi looked at his eyes. Fire spitted out of his eyes as he cocked his head to one side “Listen Sakshi, stop fearing me as your so called rapist. I promise you that I will have you without a piece of cloth with nothing but me right inside you - but trust me that shall either be in desire or mutual lust.” Arjun walked into his car and shut the door with a resounding bang while Sakshi tried to calm her erratic heartbeat.

She trembled and sat beside him in the car, noticing her buttons and pulling her skirt “Spare the material Sakshi, it can’t go any lower.” a soft hint of disgust reflected in his voice while Sakshi gulped his words without a second thought.

“I need to discuss something with you.” Sakshi said “Tell me.” Arjun relaxed on his seat and kicked off his shoes and removed his waistcoat. “I have doubts regarding the design failure.”

Arjun’s ears perked up at that and he turned to her. “So do I.” Arjun confessed.

His confession seemed like her undoing. She removed her heels and crossed her legs on the seat, bunching her hair tighter and shifted closer to Arjun and switched on her laptop.

Arjun held his breath as her shoulder grazed his and her hand brushed against his. She chinned him up and her eyes flashed with fury against the failure.

Arjun cleared his throat and sat up straight, leaning slightly towards Sakshi. He took a few moments of his own to shamelessly sniff her exotic essence. “That’s it Arjun.” Sakshi’s grim face brought him to reality.

He just realised he completely missed fifteen minutes of her conversation. He chided himself and forced himself to concentrate while Sakshi explained everything.

“See Arjun I have a few inner contacts at the manufacturing factory. After what Mr. Khanna stated I checked privately amidst my contacts and firstly I didn’t get straight answers! Secondly - my closest confidant vouched that nothing was wrong in the final product! It seems like as if someone was just…”

“Toying with the designs after their production to just stop the production!” Arjun’s eyes widened. “Exactly! And if most of the production was stopped and discarded it would come to be hundred million dollars loss for our company!” Arjun half smiled as Sakshi referred the company as their company.

“Hmm… Sakshi, I have asked Sameer to keep a check on Sikandar and shall tell Ayesha to keep a check on our engineers.” Arjun scratched his stubbled while Sakshi waved at him “That’s done. But tomorrow we shall take our board of directors and Mr. Khanna to the main factory and get them tested in front of our eyes - irrespective of the faults in the so called designs. That shall prove everything.” Sakshi relaxed against the seat and sighed.

“Good work Sakshi.” Arjun turned to find her dozing off.

What had made Sakshi suddenly so cooperative and understanding?

“Sir, we’re home.” Chandrakant informed while Arjun nodded. He didn’t have the heart to wake up Sakshi. It almost seemed like as if things were going for a better.

He gently picked her up and stilled as she moved and then eased against his chest, her tiny palm settling beside his wild heart.

Maybe if asked forgiveness, if she brought down her ego - love could manage to survive…

Arjun was sure that ‘that night’ all he did was kiss and want to be intimate with her while she refused for she prefered Sikandar. Little did he know what all actually happened.

It was time for bygones to be bygones.

He walked into his dimly lit house. He gestured Chandrakant to let things be as he carried Sakshi to his room. Anyways, he knew that from today onwards she would be living with him.

He changed into his trousers and shed off her jacket and trousers. He gently peeled off her stockings and loosened her tight skirt and blouse. He caressed her hair tenderly and loosened her bun. “I love you Sakshi.” he whispered and placed his lips hesitantly on hers.

The moments her lush lips touched his he forgot every single fight and argument amidst them. Nothing existed apart from Arjun and Sakshi. Arjun’s body thrummed with a strange response but when he saw her move he took a sharp breath and flipped aside.

What was he thinking?

Negatively shaking his head he sat beside her and worked on his laptop.

He didn’t realise when he drowsed off to a deep slumber, neither did he realise when he had inched towards Sakshi and she towards Arjun.

Sakshi moved on feeling an unfamiliar sensation on her waist but it felt comfortable, safe and sweetly tantalizing. Arjun breathed in her floral essence and tugged her pliant form closer to his.

With nothing apart from their steady breaths in between them, they slipped into a dreamless sleep.


“This is your room.” Sameer opened the door and led Ayesha in, half smiling as Ayesha walked into the darkness. “Lights?” Ayesha asked as took  back a gasp as Sameer switched on the lights.

She stared at the white faux furs on her circular bed; white mannequins holding bathrobes and gowns. What she couldn’t believe was the princess theme and the colour of the room.

“Pink.” Sameer whispered near Ayesha’s ear. The baby hair rose on her nape and she whipped back and turned to a pretty shade of red finding him so close. “Pp.. pink?”

“You always loved pretty pink and being a princess… Papa’s Princess.” Sameer smiled while Ayesha almost choked up at his gesture. “I dd.. don’t like pink.” Ayesha lied while Sameer frowned “Just because you were called extreme girly girl due to your love for pink; you shouldn’t leave your colour of your choice. I am sorry Ayesha.” Sameer found himself taking large steps towards her.

He peered at her large lashes, her slender fingers pushing back the wild curls falling across her cheeks. Her ruddy lips parted in surprise as she took the interiors of the room into notice. “Like it?” he asked.

“Loved it.” her voice lowered as Sameer stood a hair's breadth apart. "Sameer?" she questioned while he brushed his knuckles against hers. "We're getting married." he whispered and Ayesha closed her eyes in agreement as his fingers skimmed up her arms.

"We needn't be so apart." his eyes drooped as he placed soft scorching kisses against her cheekbones and temples. Ayesha bit back a gasp and held his biceps.

"Do you love me?" she asked as Sameer's trance broke.

Sameer failed to answer while Ayesha held her chin high and turned aside,

"Then you don't have to act Sameer." Ayesha snapped while Sameer threw his hands in the air "I wasn't acting Ayesha! I feel for you..."

"Kya feel karte ho?" Ayesha asked while Sameer shoved his hands in his pockets and stared.

"Just imagine that I'm sleeping with a man who doesn't even love me yet makes love to me! I can't be with you!" Ayesha's lips trembled as her fears spelt out.

"Ayesha, when I touch you it's not because of lust or desire damn it!" Sameer growled while Ayesha took a deep breath.

She was screwing things up. She knew this marriage was of convenience and she was expecting too much from him.

She was expecting deep feelings.

She was expecting love.

She was expecting... she just shouldn't expect!

"Sorry." Ayesha murmured while Sameer looked on at her "Wait, am sorry Ayesha I guess I just went a bit overboard too." he looked aside in embarrassment while Ayesha waved her hands in the air.

"No it's fine... we're to be engaged." Ayesha smiled weakly while Sameer nodded. His words ceased when he felt her soft lips faintly touch his.

"Goodnight Sam." she whispered and walked towards her wardrobe while Sameer touched his lips in surprise.

"Ash?" Sameer called out while Ayesha poked her head out of her wardrobe door "Yeah."

"Night dear." he said softly and left the room while Ayesha slipped into her boxers and vest. She collapsed on the soft bed and thought..

If Sameer can't love me so what? That doesn't stop me from loving him!

Ayesha rolled in her bed and smiled. She knew that true love brought out the best in every person. So if she gave him every inch of happiness then she knew that he would come back to her...


If love stories didn't have a happy ending so what? She would create a happy ending!

Precap : Engagement of Raisha and Arakshi.


  1. arjun nd sakshi love each other so much
    misunderstanidng lots of misunderstanding
    i think shakshi should told arjun about her past
    arjun i think he should try to keep hi anger a side
    sameer and aaishaa .... same pyaar hai lekin manenge nahi
    sikki ne gadbad ki hai ..
    hope so truth reveled soon

  2. Another awesome chapter......u r a fantastic writer......plsss continue soon.....and plsss also show Arjun's past or his weakness

  3. Another awesome chapter......u r a fantastic writer......plsss continue soon.....and plsss also show Arjun's past or his weakness

  4. I m feeling sympathetic for both the couples....I just wish for something lovely sa in the next update....
    this update is Awsm...Thnku for the pm

  5. awesome update
    waiting for engagement part
    continue soon

  6. Amazing, superb, fantastic, mindblowing part dii
    Love it
    What was arjun and his father's past?
    Grrrr hating his father from bottom of heart
    Ruthless business man... Yukh

  7. Sorry yaar. As usual I'm late. But late than never. The dynamics are going splendid. I wait for the time Arjun knows why she is behaving so. N a lovely end for Sam n Aisha

  8. It's really beautiful part
    And waiting engagement
